We have an office in Wailuku, Maui and are available for online therapy for residents of California, Hawai’i and Japan.
Please see the location section of your preferred therapist.
We see a diverse community of individuals and people in relationships of all kinds, who are residing in California, Hawai’i and Japan.
Many of the people we work with are successful professionals across various fields. While they are competent in many parts of their lives, often there is a sense of something missing, or some area in which they are struggling. It is common for many people to have difficulty in their relationships, to worry about the future, or feel stuck in their lives. Our clients tend to be deeply interested and curious about the emotional, relational, and spiritual aspects of their lives and are committed to growth and developing their awareness.
Sessions are 45 minutes long and generally meet weekly.
For in-person availability, inquire with your therapist.
All other appointments are held remotely through a secure video platform and can be attended using most computers, tablets, and smart phones with a strong internet connection.
Session fees range from $150-$250.
Please see the individual page of your preferred therapist for rates.
Not at this time. All services are considered private-pay, giving you full control over your therapy process and investment in your well-being. Please inquire with your therapist if you would like a statement that can be submitted to your insurance for possible reimbursement.
We are unable to provide specialized letters of any kind such as for an emotional support animal.
We practice Relational Gestalt Therapy informed by Buddhism.
The way for us to get started is to set up an initial consultation by filling out our contact form. This will give us a chance to discuss your reasons for seeking therapy as well as give you a chance to ask any questions that you have. Our initial meeting will give us a sense of what it’s like to work together, which will help us decide if we’re a good fit for therapy.